It’s 5 am, I have been awake since 10 pm last night and I work today. I published some semblance of a website last night and set a goal of publishing every Tuesday. Being that today is Tuesday and I’ve had no sleep, I told myself I’d publish my first post next week. But you know what, the first post is gonna be awkward anyway (at least it is for me) so let’s just get it out of the way.
Here’s what (I’m hoping) this site will be: This will be a home for me to post candidly about what’s going on in my life, express myself, since talking about yourself too much is frowned upon. I did a good job painting a protest sign a couple of weeks ago and now I want to add more art into my life and hobbies. I currently have a garden lot on the verge of being overcome with weeds because I only visit it about once every 8-10 days. Here I would like to share my experience with yoga, discuss any books or movies that I feel strongly enough about and I want to share my thoughts about them. I have a goal of being more active in my community this year and I have yet to contribute a single hour of volunteering so maybe we could think of this as an accountability project, too because I am the worst procrastinator. I encourage you to join the discussion in the comments. If I say something super insensitive or outright offensive let me know, I’m always open to learning and growing.
If that sounds like something you’d subscribe to check back next Tuesday and I’ll tell you about this week’s adventures (or lack thereof).